Ith Lazarus
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Ith Lazarus
Has left the building.
Ith Lazarus' living years are surprisingly not too difficult to discover -- if one knows where to look. Official records indicate that Ith received his full medical license for clinical psychiatry at the age of twenty-six in the year 1957. The good Doctor was employed by the Amber Hill Mental Institution for the Clinically Insane, under Dr. Johnathan Brawn, where his treatments and studies mainly focused on phobia research. Back in his prime Dr. Ith Lazarus wrote several psychiatric medical journals concerning new experimental treatment methods as well.
Early Years
Ith Lazarus was embraced by Dr. Brawn, a Nosferatu of the Morotrophian bloodline, inside Amber Hills Asylum. The circumstances of the embrace are unclear.
Ith's years as a neonate were spent directly under Dr. Brawn's scrutiny. He was trained in the ways of the kindred, the ways of the First Estate, and the ways of the Morotrophians. Then, without explanation, Dr. Johnathan Brawn left Amber Hill Asylum and with it Ith Lazarus. The actual events that occurred within the walls of the Asylum during the years since Ith's embrace are shrouded in mystery, and only Brawn and Lazarus are the ones who know for sure.
What is certain, however, is that the medical journals from Dr. Ith Lazarus ceased shortly after his embrace. The once praised, respected, and kind doctor became a recluse inside the Asylum. He moved his studies to the basement wing and made as little contact with the staff as possible. His tendrils of influence stretched out through the Asylum, ghouling two of the main security guards and preferring to speak through them whenever possible. This anti-social behavior lasted for decades.
Modern Nights
The reasons why Dr. Lazarus reemerged from Amber Hills Asylum to the streets of Sacramento are a mystery to everyone but the good doctor. But the world he reentered was not the same one he left; the world had changed outside the walls of his sanctuary and he was determined to make a name for himself. Under the mantle of the First Estate the Doctor came to his first Elysium ever, and even met with other Invictus members within the city. During one of his first in-person meetings of the Invictus, Lazarus made a bold move and took on the mantle of Warden. Then, without warning, the Lost Nights struck and the Warden almost met final death as a result.
When Ith awoke from the effects of the toxin he found that he was among the lucky survivors. His ghouls, however, were not so lucky -- they fell victim to the Lost Nights toxin. He needed new ghouls, and so he turned to Dr. Charles Wilson MD (Day Psychiatrist), and Harold Smith (Director of Security). After an Invictus meeting, the Doctor swore to figure out what he could about the Lost Nights. His research began with his deceased ghoul, Robert Bridgewater, and the study soon turned to fascination as Lazarus became hellbent on being able to replicate the toxin.
The research was going well, and with the help of Myrah Wells and Heathcliff Staley the Warden was starting to make excellent progress in his work. However, the work was quickly put to a halt as a new threat came to face them...the ghost of Robert Bridgewater. The threat of the spectral ghoul was a difficult one to overcome, but it did offer Lazarus a chance to learn. And with the vengeful nuisance gone after an exorcism, Ith returned to his studies.
The Horrors from the Lost Nights proved to be relentless and Ith Lazarus, despite his detachment from most kindred society, managed to find himself tied up in numerous linked events. After an assault on the dreamscape with other court members, and then another one inside his own Asylum while conducting further studies...Ith has decided to focus his knowledge elsewhere rather than on the toxin itself. By changing his sights, the Doctor has continued to make strides and will hopefully play a part in bringing those behind the Lost Nights to justice.
Amber Hills Asylum
Amber Hill looms over the city-scape of Sacramento. It was once a bright and shining example of progress. Set up in a clearing in hopes of giving patients a more relaxing experience by being closer to nature and out of the smog of the main city. However, in recent years, it has started to take on a gloomy feeling. The sun always seems overcast and the once lush green earth remains muddy all year round. The mental ward always seems to be screaming about unnameable horrors, the children's ward was long shut down due to agitation from the patients, and no matter how they replace them, the fluorescent lights have an annoying flicker that casts darkness in odd patches across their long halls. Still, it manages a decent reputation among the medical community and caters to Sacramento's community as best as it can.
Avatar | Crispin Glover + |
Blood Potency | 1 + |
Character Name | Ith Lazarus + |
Character Status | Inactive + |
Character Type | Vampire + |
Clan | Nosferatu + |
Clan Status | 0 + |
Covenant | Invictus + |
Covenant Status | 0 + |
Domain Status | 0 + |
Forumid | 0 + |
Last Post | Last Post + |
Lived In | Sacramento + |
Oneaccount | No + |
PC or NPC | PC + |
Player | Yawgmoth + |
PlayerID | 22 + |
Plot | Lost Nights + |
Posted | 2 June 2010 + |
Presence | 1 + |
Sacramento End | 2 June 2010 + |
Sacramento Start | 14 June 2009 + |
Secondary Picture | warning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted. |
Tenure | 1 + |
Threadid | 110 + |
Venue | Vampire + |